Клапан тип пеперуда

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lug-type butterfly valve

Lug-type butterfly valves are a popular choice for many applications due to their unique design and versatility. Както е споменато, they are designed to be bolted to the flanges at both ends of the valve, which makes them easy to install and remove when necessary. They have threaded holes on each side of the valve that can be bolted to the piping, making them easy to connect to the rest of the system.

One of the main advantages of lug butterfly valves is their ability to be disassembled frequently. This is particularly useful in applications where maintenance and repairs are required on a regular basis. The lug design allows the valve to be easily removed from the piping without disturbing the rest of the system.

Types of Lug Butterfly Valve

  • Concentric lug butterfly valves: These valves have a disc that is centered in the middle of the valve body, with the stem running through the center of the disc.
  • Double-offset lug butterfly valves: Also known as high-performance butterfly valves, these valves have a disc that is offset from the center of the valve body and the stem is also offset from the center of the disc. This design allows for a tighter seal and better performance in high-pressure and high-temperature applications.
  • Triple-offset lug butterfly valves: These valves have a disc that is offset from the center of the valve body, the stem is also offset from the center of the disc, and the sealing surface is angled. This design provides even tighter sealing and better performance in severe service applications such as high-pressure steam, high-temperature gas, and abrasive slurry.
  • Wafer-style lug butterfly valves: These valves have a thin profile and are designed to fit between flanges in a piping system, providing a compact and economical solution for flow control.
  • Lug-style double-flanged butterfly valves: These valves have two flanges on each end of the valve, allowing for easy installation and maintenance. They are commonly used in water and wastewater treatment plants, химически преработвателни предприятия, and other industrial applications.

Application of Lug Butterfly Valve

partners and applications

Lug butterfly valves are used in a variety of applications across different industries. Water and wastewater treatment plants use them for regulating flow in pipelines, controlling water level in tanks, and controlling water pressure in the system. In chemical processing plants, lug butterfly valves are used to regulate flow, isolate sections of pipelines, and control the mixing of different chemicals. They are also used in HVAC systems to regulate the flow of air and water.

In pulp and paper processing plants, lug butterfly valves are used to control the flow of pulp and chemicals through the processing line. They are also used in paper mills for regulating the flow of water and chemicals in the manufacturing process. Other industries that use lug butterfly valves include pharmaceuticals, храни и напитки, и нефт и газ.

Farpro Valve Company offer a range of lug butterfly valves that are designed to meet the specific needs of different industries. Our valves are manufactured using high-quality materials and are subjected to rigorous quality control checks to ensure they meet the highest standards of performance and reliability.

Farpro Valve Вярвания

Вярваме, че сериозното отношение към всеки продукт и искреното приемане на всеки клиент са най-важните неща за Farpro Valve.

Our butterfly valves do not necessarily have the lowest price, но определено ще бъдем най-честният производител и вашият най-верен партньор.

Farpro Valve е голям световен производител на клапани, ангажиран с изследванията, развитие, производство и продажба на арматура.

Нашите продуктови стандарти включват: GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, ОТ, ТОЙ, ГОСТ, NF, и т.н.

Нашите вентили се предлагат в 12 основни категории, 200 серия и 4000 размери, включително шибъри, сферични вентили, сферични кранове, бътерфлай клапи, възвратни клапани, диафрагмени вентили, редуцир вентили, щепселни вентили, капани, и т.н.

Годишната продукция достига 80,000 тона. Всички продукти се използват широко в петрола, нефтохимически, химически, електрическа енергия, металургия, опазване на водата, строителство, фармацевтични, дренаж и други области.

Нашите продукти се продават добре на пазарите в Германия, Англия, Франция, Италия, Бразилия, Полша и повече от 30 страни и региони в Европа, Централна Азия, Западна Азия, и т.н.

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