Jenis Katup Globe

Rumah » Jenis Katup Globe

A katup Dunia is a type of valve that controls the flow of fluids or gases. The valve consists of a movable disk that opens and closes to regulate the flow. The disk is connected to a stem that is operated by a handwheel, motor, or pneumatic actuator.

Globe valves have an S-shaped or Z-shaped bend in their internal structure, which makes them ideal for applications that require precise control of fluid flow. They are commonly used in applications that require throttling, such as controlling the flow of cooling water, fuel oil, or steam.

Farpro Valve manufacturers offer a wide range of general-purpose industrial globe valves and most specialty globe valves to numerous industries and businesses. We guarantee the best quality of globe valve products while keeping the sales price as low as possible.

All our parts are subjected to rigorous quality checks to ensure superior performance over time. We have zero product quality complaints, a timely delivery rate of over 99%, and a pass rate of over 93% on a single test run.

globe valve company farpro

Types of Farpro Globe Valves

z type globe valve flanged steam wcb

Katup Globe Tipe Z - Flanged Steam

Flanged steam Z type globe valves have a Z type body and are designed for low-pressure applications.
They have a straight flow path, which makes them ideal for applications that require precise flow control. Z type globe valves are commonly used in water treatment plants, chemical plants, dan sistem HVAC.

katup globe pola y

Y-Pattern Type Globe Valve

Y-pattern globe valves have a Y-shaped body and are designed for high-pressure applications.
They have an angled flow path, which makes them ideal for applications that require high flow rates. Y-pattern globe valves are commonly used in the oil and gas industry, pembangkit listrik, and chemical plants.

api katup globe sudut

Katup Bola Sudut

Angle globe valves have a 90-degree angle between the inlet and outlet ports.
They are ideal for applications that require high-pressure and high-temperature conditions. Angle globe valves are commonly used in steam systems, instalasi pengolahan air, dan pembangkit listrik.

The Most Important Applications and Uses of Globe Valves

Bendungan dan Waduk

Proyek Pengolahan Air

Globe valves are used in water treatment plants to control the flow of water and other fluids. They are used in applications such as water filtration, water softening, and reverse osmosis. Globe valves in water treatment plants are designed to be durable and reliable.

Climatix Rooftop Unit Optimization Key Visual

Sistem HVAC

Globe valves are commonly used in HVAC systems to control the flow of water, uap, or air. They are used in heating and cooling systems, as well as in air handling units. Globe valves in HVAC systems are designed to be energy-efficient, and they help maintain optimal indoor air quality.

Pengolahan Kimia

Chemical Industry

Globe valves are used in the chemical industry to control the flow of acids, bases, and other chemicals. Mereka digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi, termasuk proses kimia, pengolahan air, and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Globe valves in the chemical industry are designed to be resistant to corrosion and erosion.

Minyak & Industri Kelautan Gas

Oil & Gas / Industri Kelautan

Industri minyak dan gas menyediakan pasar yang luas bagi produsen katup, khususnya di gerbang dan katup bola, sementara persyaratan kinerja untuk katup semakin meningkat.

Farpro telah menyimpulkan, berdasarkan penjualan dan data global, bahwa permintaan katup pada industri ekstraksi minyak dan gas serta industri transportasi global terus meningkat. Permintaan ini mendorong industri minyak dan gas mencari jaringan pipa pengeboran yang lebih dalam dan biaya produksi yang lebih rendah, jadi teknisi lebih berhati-hati dalam memilih peralatan dan perangkat keras katup yang berkualitas.

Globe valves are used extensively in the oil and gas industry to control the flow of crude oil, gas alam, dan cairan lainnya. They are used in pipelines, refineries, and offshore drilling rigs to control the flow of fluids and gases. Globe valves in the oil and gas industry are designed to withstand high pressure and temperature conditions.

Industri Farmasi

Industri farmasi

Globe valves are used in the pharmaceutical industry to control the flow of liquids and gases in various manufacturing processes. They are used in applications such as mixing, pencampuran, dan mengisi. Globe valves in the pharmaceutical industry are designed to be easy to clean and sanitize.

Wilayah dan Pabrik Apa yang Bekerja dengan Farpro Valve?

Industri Pembangkit Listrik

  • Proyek Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Vietnam Shenglong 2*300MW
  • Proyek Pembangkit Listrik Thailang TPI PP 150MW
  • Proyek Pembangkit Listrik Siklus Gabungan Hiraganjie 225MW Bangladesh
  • Proyek Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Limbah Tungku Termal Tambang Tubatse Afrika Selatan
  • Proyek Kogenerasi Korla 2*350MW
  • Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air Olese Kamboja

Oil&Gas / Pemasok Petrokimia

  • Grup Energi Baofeng
  • Konstruksi Teknik Perminyakan Cina
  • Proyek Gas Alam SABIC Corporation Indonesia
  • Proyek Eksplorasi Geofisika di Arab Saudi
  • Proyek Prospek Kolzhan Kazakhstan
  • Pembelian Katup Pemadam Kebakaran Proyek Tangki TEMA Ghana

Pemasok Konstruksi Perkotaan

  • Proyek Transmisi Air Polandia Krakow
  • Proyek Stasiun Pemompaan Tusterrick Uzbekistan
  • Proyek SK Pakistan
  • Proyek Angola Nova Ciamangola 5000TPD, dll..

Advantages of Farpro Globe Valves

Globe valves offer numerous advantages over other types of valves. Here are some of the most significant advantages of globe valves:

farpro valve world

Precise Flow Control

Globe valves are designed to provide precise control over the flow of fluids or gases. They offer excellent throttling characteristics, making them ideal for applications that require precise flow control.

Excellent Shut-Off Capability

Globe valves are designed to provide precise control over the flow of fluids or gases. They offer excellent throttling characteristics, making them ideal for applications that require precise flow control.

Low Pressure Drop

Globe valves have a lower pressure drop than other types of valves, which means they can maintain a high flow rate even at high pressure differentials. This feature makes them ideal for applications that require high flow rates, seperti pada industri minyak dan gas.

Perawatan Mudah

Globe valves are easy to maintain, and their internal parts are easily accessible for inspection and repair. This feature reduces downtime and maintenance costs.

Keyakinan Katup Farpro

We believe that treating each product seriously and receiving each customer sincerely are the most important things for Perusahaan Katup Farpro.

Our globe valves do not necessarily have the lowest price, tapi kami pasti akan menjadi produsen paling jujur ​​dan mitra paling setia Anda.

farpro valve manufacturer factory

Farpro Valve adalah produsen katup global besar yang terlibat dalam penelitian, perkembangan, produksi dan penjualan katup.

Standar produk kami meliputi: GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, DARI, DIA, gost, tidak, dll..

Katup kami tersedia di 12 kategori utama, 200 seri dan 4000 ukuran, termasuk katup gerbang, katup globe, katup bola, Katup kupu-kupu, katup periksa, katup diafragma, katup pengurang tekanan, katup sumbat, perangkap, dll..

Output tahunan mencapai 80,000 ton. Semua produk banyak digunakan dalam minyak bumi, petrokimia, bahan kimia, tenaga listrik, metalurgi, pemeliharaan air, konstruksi, farmasi, drainase dan bidang lainnya.

Produk kami laris manis di pasar Jerman, Inggris, Perancis, Italia, Brazil, Polandia dan lebih dari itu 30 negara dan wilayah di Eropa, Asia Tengah, Asia Barat, dll..

    Terima kasih telah mempertimbangkan Farpro Valve sebagai mitra pilihan Anda.