Caratteristiche delle valvole a saracinesca a tenuta morbida e differenze rispetto alle valvole a saracinesca a tenuta rigida

Le valvole a saracinesca a tenuta morbida vengono utilizzate principalmente nei sistemi di approvvigionamento idrico e di drenaggio. Temperatura ≤80℃, pressione nominale ≤PN25, diametro ≤800mm. The valve body material is cast iron or ductile iron, cast steel or stainless steel. Adopted standards: CJ/T216-2013 Soft sealedLeggi tutto

Explore diverse industrial valve uses in key areas

Industrial valves play an important role in ensuring the safe and efficient operation of various key departments. As versatile flow control devices, they are essential for managing the flow of liquids, gases and other media, allowing industries to maintain productivity, … Leggi tutto