Zasuwa klinowa Nrs z kołnierzem żeliwnym – Z445TW

Dom » Rodzaje zasuw » Zasuwa klinowa » Zasuwa klinowa Nrs z kołnierzem żeliwnym – Z445TW

Z445T/W wedge flanged NRS gate valve is installed in the working pressure ≤ 0.6/1.0Mpa, working temperature less than or equal to 100 ℃ oil and other non-corrosive media pipeline to do closed-circuit equipment.

This series of valves are widely used in steel, smelting, petrochemiczny, woda, electricity, ships, budowa, light textile, medycyna, żywność, paper and other systems of water supply and drainage and oil transmission and distribution pipeline network.

Zasuwa klinowa nr

Z445T/W Wedge Flanged NRS Gate Valve - Żeliwo

Ciało: Żeliwo
Pokrywa zaworu zasuwowego: Żeliwo
Materiał dysku: Żeliwo + NBR
Trzon: Stal nierdzewna, Mosiądz, Carbon Steel
Nakrętka macierzysta: Mosiądz, Żeliwo
Koło ręczne: Żeliwo

Średnica nominalna DN: 900-1800mm

Structure of Wedge Flanged NRS Gate Valve

A wedge flanged NRS (nie wznoszący się trzonek) gate valve made of cast iron is a type of gate valve commonly used in water distribution systems. The valve features a wedge-shaped gate that moves up and down to control the flow of water through the valve. The valve is designed with flanges on both ends to allow for easy installation and removal from the pipeline.

Konstrukcja NRS oznacza, że ​​trzpień zaworu nie unosi się ponad korpus zaworu, gdy zawór jest otwarty, making it more compact and easier to install in tight spaces. The cast iron construction of the valve provides durability and resistance to corrosion.

Farpro, a valve manufacturer, produces a range of wedge flanged NRS gate valves made of cast iron, designed for use in water distribution systems, systemy nawadniania, and other applications where reliable flow control is required. These valves are engineered with high-quality materials and precision manufacturing processes to ensure long-lasting performance and easy maintenance.

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