Ostya pillangószelep

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ostya pillangószelep

A ostya pillangószelep is a type of quarter-turn valve that is commonly used in industrial pipelines for flow regulation. It is called a wafer valve because it has two pieces of flange to clamp the butterfly valve in it, and then use the bolts to fix the two pieces of flange. This design makes the valve easy to install and maintain.

Továbbá, our wafer butterfly valves are designed to meet international standards, such as API, ANSI, and DIN, ensuring that they are compatible with a wide range of industrial systems. They are also available in manual, electric, and pneumatic actuation options to suit your specific automation needs.

Advantages of Wafer Butterfly Valves

The butterfly plate of the wafer butterfly valve is installed in the diameter direction of the pipeline, which allows for a streamlined flow path and reduced pressure drop. In the cylindrical channel of the valve body, the disc-shaped butterfly plate rotates around the axis with a rotation angle between 0° and 90° to control the flow rate of the medium. This makes it an ideal solution for flow regulation applications in a variety of industries, mint például a vízkezelés, vegyi feldolgozás, and oil and gas.

A Farpro Valve-nál, we take pride in providing high-quality wafer butterfly valves that are engineered for optimal performance and durability. Our valves are made from top-grade materials, such as stainless steel, szénacél, and cast iron, and are available in a range of sizes and pressure ratings to meet your specific needs.

Types of Wafer Butterfly Valve

Farpro Valve hiedelmek

Are you looking for a cost-effective and reliable valve solution for your industrial application? Look no further than Farpro Valve’s wafer butterfly valve.

A Farpro Valve-nál, we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality valve solutions that meet their unique requirements. Contact us today to learn more about our wafer butterfly valves and how they can benefit your industrial application.

Hiszünk abban, hogy a Farpro Valve számára a legfontosabb az egyes termékek komoly kezelése és az ügyfelek őszinte fogadása.

A miénk pillangószelepek nem feltétlenül a legalacsonyabb ár, de mindenképpen mi leszünk a legbecsületesebb gyártó és a leghűségesebb partnere.

Farpro Valve is a leading global manufacturer of high-quality valves used in a wide range of industries. We are committed to providing our customers with reliable and efficient valve solutions that meet their unique requirements.

With a strong focus on research, fejlesztés, Termelés, and sales, Farpro Valve offers a range of valve products that meet industry standards including GB/JB, API, ANSI, AWWA, TÓL TŐL, Ő, GOST, NF, és több. Our valves are available in 12 főbb kategóriák, 200 sorozat, és 4000 méretek, providing our customers with a wide range of options to choose from.

Our products include gate valves, gömbszelepek, golyóscsapok, pillangószelepek, ellenőrizd a szelepeket, membránszelepek, nyomáscsökkentő szelepek, dugós szelepek, csapdák, és több. We manufacture over 80,000 tons of valves each year, ensuring that we can meet the needs of our customers with precision and efficiency.

Szelepeinket széles körben használják különféle iparágakban, például a kőolajiparban, petrolkémiai, kémiai, elektromos energia, kohászat, vízvédelem, Építkezés, gyógyszerek, és vízelvezetés, többek között. We are proud to serve customers around the world and have established a strong presence in markets such as Germany, Anglia, Franciaország, Olaszország, Brazília, Lengyelország, és vége 30 countries and regions in Europe, Közép-Ázsia, Nyugat-Ázsia, és több.

Our team of experts works closely with customers to ensure that they get the right valves for their specific requirements. We take pride in our ability to deliver products that meet or exceed customer expectations.

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